Dacryocystorhinostomy at MEPS


Dacryocystorhinostomy, popularly known as DCR, is performed to correct the obstruction in your tear drain or the lacrimal outflow system. It can be caused due to several reasons, including aging, sinus, trauma, infection, or nasal inflammation. The surgery helps restore tear flow into your nose by creating an alternate tear drainage path. 

In other words, tear duct surgery is carried out to create a new drain for tears between your eye and nose, bypassing the existing blocked system.

What are the Symptoms?

When Do You Need Tear Duct Surgery?

In most cases, dacryocystorhinostomy procedure is recommended to correct the blockage of the tear duct. In some cases, antibiotics and warm compresses relieve symptoms.   


The blocked tear duct surgery builds a fresh tear duct into your nose to bypass the obstructed one and restore the normal flow of tears. The surgery is performed using local or general anesthesia with a small or no incision. 

Dacryocystorhinostomy surgery is an outpatient surgery. 

What to expect?

Patients may experience minor irritation, bruising, or swelling. Some may even witness mild bleeding from their nose.

Time for recovery

One should avoid intense exercising for about two weeks after the procedure. Most patients return to work post one week of the surgery.

Need consultation for Dacryocystorhinostomy Treatment?

Our best surgeons

Dr. Prerna Tahiliani

Dr. Prerna Tahiliani is a fellowship-trained, board-certified Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon and Ocular Oncologist in Mumbai. She has completed extensive training in her chosen specialization of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Adit Gupta

Dr. Adit Gupta is a highly skilled and qualified Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai. He holds the coveted double-fellowship ASOPRS (the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) recognition with a specialization in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery as well as Facial Aesthetics.

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